Enswitch - Temporary Forward
Discover how you can set your phone number to route calls indefinitely to a certain function or another phone number.
Table of Contents
Set Up a Temporary Forward
When you need calls for a number to forward elsewhere during an emergency, you can do so in two ways:
- Indefinitely forward calls using a Temporary Override.
- Temporarily forward calls for a specific amount of time using a Time Route.
✔ Forwarding calls can be a great temporary solution while you are experiencing a catastrophic event, such as a power outage, internet outage, or extreme weather.
Forward Calls Indefinitely
One of the ways you can forward your calls is by setting up a temporary override on one of your phone numbers. Calls forwarding in this way will continue to do so until the temporary override is removed.
To indefinitely forward calls to a different phone number using a temporary override…
1. Navigate to Features → Numbers.
2. Select the phone number that needs to temporarily be forwarded.
3. In the Route call to section, use the Temporary override drop-down to select Specific number.
4. In the Number box, type the phone number that calls should be routed to.
5. Test this forwarding by giving your business' number a call to see where it routes
✔ This temporary forward will remain active until the temporary override option is returned to normal.
Remove a Temporary Override
Once you are ready for calls to stop forwarding, the temporary override can easily be removed.
To return the number's routing back to normal, use the Temporary override drop-down to select Default destination (overridden by caller and time routes).
Forward Calls for a Specific Amount of Time
If you know how long calls should be forwarded for, you can create time groups that determine when the system should forward calls and time routes that tell the system where calls should be routed when a time group is active.
Step 1: Create a Time Group
In order to tell the system when a forward should start and end, a time group will need to be created.
To configure a time group…
1. Navigate to Features → Times and dates.
2. Click the New button.
3. On the New time group page, fill in the following information:
• *Name - Give the time group a unique name to identify it by.
• Description - If needed, add a description that will show by the time group's name.
• Priority - If this time group will be for emergencies, like an outage, use the Priority drop-down to select 10 (highest).
4. Click the Save button.
5. On the Time group saved message, click Add a new time period.
6. On the New time period page, use the Time period settings section to give the time period a descriptive name and an optional description.
7. In the When the time period starts and stops each day section, use the dropdowns to select the start and stop times for your temporary forward.
Note: The times shown will be in the 24-hour format.
8. In the Which days the time period is active section, select the day, month, and year that this specific period will be active for.
Quick Tip: If needed, multiple days can be selected as long as they both follow the same start and stop times.
To select multiple days, either click and drag to highlight multiple, or press Ctrl while clicking selecting.
9. Click the Save button.
✔ You should now see this time period showing in the time group.

More time periods can be added in the future that will determine when this time group should be active.
Step 2: Set Up a Time Route
Now that a time group has been created, a time route can be set up for a number that will tell the system where calls should be routed when that time group is active.
To configure a time route for a phone number…
1. Navigate to Features → Numbers.
2. Select the phone number that needs to temporarily be forwarded.
3. In the Time routes section, click the Add a time route button.
4. In the New time route window, fill in the following information:
• Time group - Use the drop-down to select the time group that this route will use.
• Forwards matching calls to - Select the destination for calls that are forwarded during this time. Commonly used destinations include:
– Number
– IVR menu
– Mailbox
– Dial by name menu
5. Click the Save button.
✔ You should now see the new time route and where it will route calls.

The destination of this time route can be edited at any time by clicking its name.
Clicking Edit time group will take you to where you can add more time periods for the time group to be active in.