Communication Advocate Tools - StratusTEXTING
Learn more about the Reflections and Answering Without Hearing communication advocate tools to see if these features can help your users have effective conversations with customers.
Table of Contents
What is the Communication Advocate?
The Communication Advocate tool includes two features: Reflections and Answering Without Hearing.
The Reflections feature allows you to set a Reflection Time that users have to wait after clicking the SEND button so that they can review the message they are about to send.
Reflections prompts can be enabled as well. These special messages pop up for users to read while waiting for the Reflection Time to pass. Custom Reflections can be created and enabled/disabled as needed.
The Answering Without Hearing feature can be enabled so that users responding to a question in a conversation can see a prompt that encourages them to ask a follow-up question. The frequency that this prompt is shown can be adjusted to fit your company's standards. This tool emphasizes the importance of understanding all relevant information before responding, helping users ensure their communication is clear, fitting, and considerate.
Advocate Reflections
StratusTEXTING offers a communication advocate tool called Reflections. This feature implements a Reflection Time that delays users form sending the message they are typing, allowing the user to reflect on what has been typed before clicking send. This can help users catch any typos and consider any additional details that may need to be sent.
Configure Reflection Time
When Reflection Time is enabled, messages users compose will temporarily enter a Message Delivery Delay status. During this time, a Reflection Timer begins to count down. Once the timer ends, the message is sent. If a user revisits the message before the countdown completes, the message will return to the compose field so that the user can make edits or even decide not to send it.
To enable Reflection Time and adjust the length of the reflection timer…
- Navigate to Tools → Advocate.
- Make sure the Reflection Time option is enabled.
- Adjust the Delay per Character setting using the slider or the box.
Quick Tip: The Delay per Character setting determines how long the reflection period will last based on the length of the message being typed. The reflection time for each message will be a minimum of 30 seconds, regardless of the Delay per Character setting and length of the message being sent.
It is recommended to test this setting out after adjusting it to ensure it meets your preference.
Create Reflections
The Reflections feature allows you to create helpful prompts that will be shown to users while they are reflecting on a message they are sending. These custom messages can help users evaluate their message to ensure it aligns with your company's expectations and standards for communication. Once a reflection has been created, it can be modified and enabled/disabled as needed.
Scope: Agents can create and customize their own reflection prompts.
Managers, Admins, and Super Admins can create shared reflection prompts that all users can view.
To create Reflection message for users to view…
Enable the Reflections option.
- Click the GO TO REFLECTIONS button to configure the advocate reflections feature.
- Click the CREATE REFLECTION button.
- In the Create Reflection menu, input the following:
- Title - Give this reflection prompt an identifiable name.
- Text - Type the message that will be shown to users.
- Use the Turn your Reflection ON or OFF toggle to enable or disable this reflection.
- When you are ready, click the CREATE button.
✔ You should see a confirmation message that the reflection has been created:
You should now see your custom reflection listed along with StratusTexting's Default reflection.
- To ensure that your custom prompt is seen by users, disable the Default reflection using the toggle.
✔ Now when users click the SEND button, they will see the custom prompt while the Reflection Time is active.
If the user needs to cancel or edit the message, they can click the message before the Reflection Time is over to update or erase the text.
Manage a Custom Reflection
If you have created a custom reflection prompt, you can edit and delete the reflection as needed. To do so…
- Navigate to Tools → Advocate.
- In the Reflections section, click the GO TO REFLECTIONS button.
- Click the Manage button next to the reflection that needs adjustment.
- Do one of the following to manage the reflection:
Make any adjustments needed for the Title and Text of the prompt and click the SAVE button.
- If the reflection needs to be enabled or disabled, use the Turn your Reflection ON or OFF toggle.
- If a reflection is no longer needed, you can click the DELETE REFLECTION button to completely remove the reflection.
Make any adjustments needed for the Title and Text of the prompt and click the SAVE button.
Answering Without Hearing
The Answering Without Hearing communication advocate tool can be enabled as well. This feature can allow users responding to a question in a conversation to see a prompt when the user does not ask a follow-up question. This feature can help encourage agents to use more clarifying questions to make communicating with customers more effective.
Having users take the time to ensure their words align with the context, audience, and intent of the conversation can make text conversations more impactful and constructive.
Set Up Answering Without Hearing
To have users receive alerts when they are asked a question in a conversation, advocate reflections and answering without hearing can be enabled and configured.
- Navigate to Tools.
- Select Advocate.
Enable the Reflection Time setting.
Enable the Answering Without Hearing option.
- Using the Frequency slider, select how often the Answering Without Hearing feature will alter users to ask a follow-up question.
You can select from the following options:- Once - Only alert a user once a day.
- Up - Alert a user once per conversation in a day.
- Way up - Alert the user every time a question is received, and they do not follow up with an additional question.
- Test this feature by texting your SMS number a question and then responding with StratusTexting.
✔ Now when you click the SEND button, you should see a message suggesting that a question be sent in response.
If you need to cancel or edit the message, click the message before the Reflection Time is over to update or erase the text.