Import Contacts - StratusTEXTING
Learn how to easily import your contacts into StratusTEXTING for seamless communication with your clients and prospects.
If you have many different contacts that you contact regularly, you can import these contacts so that they can be added all together. Importing can be a great time saver while you are setting up StratusTEXTING for your SMS users.
Use the module below to learn the two ways you can import multiple contacts at once.
Fill In a Spread Sheet
If you are not using a CRM, you can fill in a CSV spreadsheet of your contacts' information. This spreadsheet can then be uploaded.
1. On the left side of your StratusTEXTING dashboard, switch to the Contacts list.
2. Click the Import icon.
4. Click the button below to download a blank, formatted spread sheet to fill in.
Download Template
5. Open the downloaded spreadsheet in Excel and input the contact information for each contact.
IMPORTANT: Please read the following notes to ensure your CSV spreadsheet of contacts is ready to be imported.
• FIRST NAME - No special characters. Limited to 50 characters.
• LAST NAME - No special characters. Limited to 50 characters.
• PHONE NUMBER - Must be ten digits without any special characters. Be sure there is not a space at the end of the phone number.
• TAGS - Enter up to 50 tags per contact. Tags should be separated by commas without any spaces.
• In order to add Consent Level (Column G), data must be present in Consent By (Column H).
• Acceptable Consent Level (Column G) - Enter either Informational or Promotional.
• Consented By (Column H) - Enter a note that is a maximum of 50 characters.
• Columns J (Blocked), K (Optout), and L (Do not disturb) - Can be set as either TRUE or FALSE.
If you upload a contact that is already in the system, the name, email, company name in the phone number's contact will be updated to match what is in the spreadsheet.
Any new tags and notes in the spreadsheet will be added to the contact.
Quick Tip: To view an example of a properly formatted spreadsheet that can be imported, click the CSV FORMAT button.
7. Make sure the spread sheet is saved as a CSV file.
8. When ready, Drag and Drop the saved spread sheet or click the SELECT FILE button to select the spreadsheet.
9. Click the IMPORT CONTACTS button.
10. Check to make sure the contacts' information and tags have been uploaded and formatted correctly.
Import Contacts from a CRM
If your users use a CRM program to manage interactions with customers, you can log into your CRM and import its contacts to make transitioning to StratusTEXTING more convenient.
You can import contacts from the following CRMs:
• Google
• Hubspot
• Zoho
• Salesforce
• Microsoft Office 365
• Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
• Microsoft Dynamics 365
• Zendesk Sell
If you would like to import contacts from one of these CRMs, do the following:
1. On the left side of your StratusTEXTING dashboard, switch to the Contacts list.
2. Click the Import icon.
3. In the Import Contacts menu, scroll down and select your CRM from the options provided.
4. Follow the instructions in the window that appears to log into your CRM and give StratusTEXTING permission to access your contacts.
5. Check to make sure the contacts' information and tags have been uploaded and formatted correctly.
REMINDER: It is important to remember to receive valid, written consent from your contacts before sending them any SMS messages.
To learn more about consent and opt-ins, read this article.