Voicemail Menu Options for Stratus Users
Explore the different options available for managing your voicemail box and its messages.
Table of Contents
Voicemail Menu Tree Diagram

Menu Options
As you are working with your SpecturmVoIP devices, you can access your mailbox to manage your voicemail messages and perform other actions.
Quick Tip: To access your mailbox, you can press the Message button on your desk phone. The StratusHUB desktop app and Stratus mobile app can also be used to manage your mailbox and its messages.
You can also access your mailbox by calling or being transferred to your voicemail box. When your greeting is being read out to you, press * to skip the greeting. You will then be prompted to enter the mailbox's PIN.
Once you enter your voicemail PIN and gain access to the menu, you can follow the mailbox's options to manage its messages and functions.
Option 1: New Messages
When your SpectrumVoIP phone shows that you have a voicemail message, you can access the mailbox to listen to those messages.
While you are actively listening to a voicemail message, you can do the following to control how the message plays back:
Option | Function |
5 | Skip the currently playing message. |
7 | Rewind 15 seconds. |
8 | Pause/Continue listening to the message. |
9 | Fast forward 15 seconds. |
After you have finished listening to a message, you will be prompted to do the following to manage the message:
Option | Function |
1 |
Save Move the message to the Saved folder of the mailbox. |
2 | Replay the message. |
3 |
Forward the voicemail to another user. Note: Forwarding a voicemail will have the mailbox first record a message that will be prepended to the voicemail being forwarded. This message you send could include details about what the caller needs or why the voicemail needs to be forwarded. When the user that receives the forwarded voicemail listens to it, they will hear your message and then the voicemail itself. To not include a message, press # or say nothing to prompt the mailbox to just forward the voicemail. |
4 |
Delete Move the message to the Trash folder of the mailbox. |
5 | Finish and play the next message. |
6 |
Reply to a user's voicemail. Note: You can only reply to voicemails from other users on your account. |
# | Return to the previous menu. |
Option 2: Old Messages
Option 2 of the mailbox allows you to listen to old voicemails that have been moved to the Saved folder of the mailbox. You can
While you are actively listening to a voicemail message, you can do the following to control how the message plays back:
Option | Function |
5 | Skip the currently playing message. |
7 | Rewind 15 seconds. |
8 | Pause/Continue listening to the message. |
9 | Fast forward 15 seconds. |
After you have finished listening to a message, you will be prompted to do the following to manage the message:
Option | Function |
2 | Replay the message. |
3 |
Forward the voicemail to another user. Note: Forwarding a voicemail will have the mailbox first record a message that will be prepended to the voicemail being forwarded. This message you send could include details about what the caller needs or why the voicemail needs to be forwarded. When the user that receives the forwarded voicemail listens to it, they will hear your message and then the voicemail itself. To not include a message, press # or say nothing to prompt the mailbox to just forward the voicemail. |
4 |
Delete Move the message to the Trash folder of the mailbox. |
5 | Finish and play the next message. |
6 |
Reply to a user's voicemail. Note: You can only reply to voicemails from other users on your account. |
# | Return to the previous menu. |
Option 3: Send Messages
Recorded voice messages can be sent to other users on your account using option 3. A message can be sent to a specific extension number, to all users, or to the users in your Department.
Option | Function |
1 |
Send a recorded message to an individual. Note: Once you confirm sending the message, the menu will ask you to enter the user's mailbox number. Use your dial pad to enter the extension number of a user and press the # key. Once the message is sent, you can enter another extension number to send this same message to. |
2 | Broadcast a recorded message to all users. |
3 | Send a message to users in your Department, which is set through Stratus. |
# | Complete current action and return to the previous menu. |
Once you record a message to be sent, the message you recorded will be played back before the menu prompts you to do the following:
- Press 2 to confirm sending the message.
- Press 1 to rerecord the message.
- Press 0 to cancel.
Option 4: Set Call Forwarding
Call forwarding can be set for your extension number using Option 4. You can enable/disable Do Not Disturb (DND) and forward calls to a destination.
Option | Function |
1 |
Enable/Disable DND mode. Once you select this option, you will be prompted to press 0 to disable DND mode or press 1 to enable DND mode. Note: If you enable DND, be sure to disable DND when you are ready. |
2 |
Set the destination for forwarded calls. Calls can start being forwarded to this destination using option 3 shown below. |
3 |
Enable/Disable call forwarding. Note: If you enable call forwarding, be sure to disable call forwarding when calls no longer need to be forwarded. |
4 |
Forward this extension number's calls to the device you are calling the mailbox from. You will be prompted to press 1 to confirm setting this forwarding. |
# | Return to the previous menu. |
Option 5: Control Options
Using option 5, you can update your voicemail PIN and record a new audio file to be played when a caller searches for you using a Dial-by-Name menu.
Option | Function |
1 | Set a new voicemail PIN. |
2 |
Record a name that should be played to callers in a Dial-by-Name Menu. Once you have recorded a name, press 1 to allow your name to be announced in the dial-by-name menu, or press 2 to hide yourself in the dial by-name menu. |
# | Return to the previous menu. |
Option 6: Greetings
Using the mailbox, you can manage the greetings your mailbox is using. You can record a new greeting or select an existing greeting to be used.
Option | Function |
1 | Record a new greeting for the mailbox. |
2 | Review the greetings you have saved for the mailbox. |
3 | Select an existing greeting to use. |
# | Return to the previous menu. |
Option 7: Deleted Messages
Option 7 of the mailbox allows you to listen to and recover voicemail messages from the Trash folder of the mailbox. At the end of the night, voicemail messages stored in the Trash folder will be deleted.
Use the table below to learn more about how you can manage deleted voicemails.
Option | Function |
1 | Restore the message by moving it to the Saved folder. |
2 | Replay this message. |
3 | Skip the currently playing message. |
# | Return to the previous menu. |
If you relisten to a voicemail, you can do the following while playing back the message:
Option | Function |
5 | Skip the currently playing message. |
7 | Rewind 15 seconds. |
8 | Pause/Continue listening to the message. |
9 | Fast forward 15 seconds. |